Teddies welcomes all girls aged 4 1/2 to 7 years to join in the fun of caring and sharing, meeting new friends, engaging in playful, hands-on learning, and discovering the amazing world around them, all while earning fun badges

Guides is the next exciting branch for girls aged 10 to 14 years, where they develop leadership abilities and teamwork skills, explore more advanced outdoor experiences, and learn to be prepared in all situations.

Youth, aged 18 to 30, gain valuable life skills as they transition into adulthood, while still having fun working towards more advanced Guiding clauses and taking advantage of international travel opportunities. They are encouraged to find their passion in running units, organising activities, facilitation, and advocacy.

Brownies offers non-stop fun and adventure for girls aged 7 to 10 years in an informal environment where they can learn to become more independent by gaining new skills and finding ways to lend a hand in their homes and communities.

Girls aged 14 to 18 years become Rangers who "Look Wide" as they are given the freedom and responsibility to lead themselves, design their own programme, and work towards their Guiding goals.

Trefoil Guild
The Trefoil Guild is for non-uniformed members. aged 18+. The Guild provides a chance to rekindle old skills and learn new ones at monthly meetings, while also making a positive impact by supporting the local community.