Support us


When girls come together, we can do anything! Guiding is open to girls and young women who believe in Girl Power!

Ways to get involved

The upliftment of girls and young women is our aim. Join us in supporting our Regions across South Africa in empowering girls and women. 

GIRL GUIDES South Africa needs you to keep giving girls confidence, skills and aspirations to reach their full potential.

Girl Guide

Join Girl Guides

Be a part of over 10 million Guides across the world.

Teddies - girls aged 4 1/2 - 7
Brownies - girls aged 7 to 10
Guides - girls aged 10 to 14
Rangers - girls aged 14 to 18
Youth - girls and young women aged 18 to 30.
Trefoil Guild – women aged 18+ offers personal and social opportunities whilst supporting Guiding.
Start your journey

Become a volunteer

Share your skills and uplift girls.

Give of your time and professional expertise. Our units, districts and Regions need IT specialists, marketers, accountants, lawyers and many more. As a volunteer based organisation, all skills are valuable to run effectively as a modern organisation.
Make a difference
Adult Leader

Become an Adult Leader

Adult Leaders guide the girls through the guiding programme. These volunteers create a safe space for girls to explore, learn and develop in a fun environment.

Make a donation

GIRL GUIDES South Africa is committed to giving all girls the same experience of the Girl Guides programme regardless of their social conditions. Support a girl by donating a membership, funding a programme in a disadvantaged community or helping Girl Guides reach more communities and more girls.